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It’s a Girl!

Hello to all!  Hope you are having a nice fall season and enjoying the weather.  Been a bit out of touch for the last few weeks, but I assure you, the doll making has definitely continued.  You see, October happens to be my family’s busiest month next to December, of course, and May.  Three out the four birthdays in our family fall in October, so it is a month long celebration.  This year my husband and I whose birthdays are one day apart, made a new plan to share our birthday cake.  In the past years, by October 31, I had three leftover birthday cakes sitting in my refrigerator!  This year, no chance, we shared our favorite birthday cake – coffee ice cream cake – and I have to say it took less than 24 hours to eat the entire cake!  Yum!  Yum!

Now on to the dolls.  I have been having a great time sewing dolls over the last few weeks.  Funny enough, most of them have been for presents.  My daughter’s teacher just had her first baby – a girl – so of course, I had to make her a baby doll.  The fun part about making dolls for people you know is that you can include their personality in the doll.  This doll looks just like her.  I used a very fun fabric called “Make Life” from Sweetwater.  The dress has all sorts of fun sayings about life – “Make life beautiful; make life fresh; make life silly; make life creative; etc.”  Perfect little sayings for a new little baby.  And the doll even has glasses that match my daughter’s teacher.  Check her out below.

My second little doll project was by special request.  My daughter’s BFF requested a little princess doll for her birthday.  Pink and green are her favorite colors.  The doll
has a little tutu under her dress, along with a princess crown and a big pink scarf for fashion purposes, of course!  It is a lot of fun to make such different dolls.  If you have a special request for a certain type of doll, just let me know, and I will see what I can do.  My other fall season dolls will be on the website soon.  Have a great week, and I hope you have a chance to get out and enjoy the weather!